Experience Centre

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We designed and constructed an Interactive Experience Centre at Tata Communication’s BKC office, Mumbai, showcasing their capabilities across various industry verticals. The centre, equipped with the Fuze App, aimed to revolutionize customer interaction for both virtual and physical platforms.


The challenge was to enhance Tata Communications’ customer engagement by transforming the way they communicate with clients and prospects, ultimately strengthening existing relationships and fostering new business connections.


Our concept involved creating a versatile experience centre, integrating cutting-edge technologies such as cloud, mobility, IoT, collaboration, security, and network services. The centre was designed to cater to both virtual and physical platforms, providing a dynamic and immersive experience.

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Through a solution-oriented approach, we harnessed our proven capabilities in designing customer experience centres. The incorporation of a robust CMS hosted on the cloud allowed Tata Communications to tailor content based on visitor profiles, enabling them to showcase solutions with the next level of intelligence.


The implementation of our solution empowered Tata Communications to:  

  • Strengthen existing relationships with clients  
  • Facilitate new business connections  
  • Create opportunities to increase share of wallet  
  • Shorten sales cycles  

The cloud-hosted content management system provided the flexibility to adapt content based on the diverse needs of visitors, ensuring a personalized and impactful presentation of Tata Communications’ capabilities. The transformed customer experience centre became a powerful tool for demonstrating their prowess in the digital landscape.

Tata Communications

February 2022

Mumbai, India 

Customer Experience Center Design and Deployment, Fuze Integration 

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